June 6


7 Easy Steps to Rack Your Servers

Your company needed servers to host their websites, secure emails, store user data, and other critical functions. So, you just spent $2,000 ordering some dedicated servers. It was not what you budgeted, but you did it anyway.

Now you are at your small office somewhere in a busy town, and you get an email notification – your servers will arrive in the next two days. You are short of funds (you already exceeded your budget), so you are thinking of a way to do it yourself. But how do you rack your servers since you are not a pro?

Racking a server might seem like a task for data engineers, but there are simple steps to get you around this. And with server prices skyrocketing, it is not a time to mount it wrongly.

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Mounting a server in a rack is not as difficult as it may seem. You need to ensure that your server fits into it, install the servers, and then install your cables. However, there are a few considerations while getting at it. We will discuss the details below.

7 Steps to Mount Your Servers on a Rack

  • Confirm that your servers fit the rack
  • Adjust racks to accommodate server size and width
  • Fix and tighten the assemblies using the screws
  • Balance racks with the mounting brackets
  • Confirm that you mounted the servers properly
  • Insert cable management arms
  • Confirm that everything balances properly

Confirm That Your Servers Fit the Rack

Ensuring that your server size fits your frame is vital because trying to force installation can lead to damage and injuries. So, start by comparing the server dimensions to that of your rack. You can read this article to know more about server dimensions.

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Adjust Racks to Accommodate Server Size and Width

If the racks match your server dimension, it is time to start mounting. The next step is to loosen the rail screws. This way, you can adjust them to fit your server’s dimensions.

Fix and Tighten the Assemblies Using the Screws

To fasten your server on the rails, insert the screws first into the post. Or else, inserting it later might be tasking.

After that, attach the railing assemblies and server. Then, tighten the bolts and ensure that everything is locked into the rack post.

Balance the Rack with the Mounting Brackets

Do you know how an overloaded bookshelf without balance can topple and fall? Yes, that same physics explains why this step is very vital.

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Having a loaded rack fall after mounting can cause damage not just to the servers but to the people around. And that is not what you want. Therefore, ensure that the railings are aligned on each end with your mounting brackets to prevent this accident. This way, the rack maintains its balance.

Confirm That You Mounted the Servers Properly

It is always necessary to crosscheck that everything balances and locks properly – after all, you can never be too careful. So, a little regular check can save you from damages.

Insert Cable Management Arms

This step is more necessary than compulsory. It can help you prevent snagging of wires and save you the stress of sorting out wires after installation.

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You can relate to how tracing and separating wires can be frustrating. And installing, an on-ground hosting platform requires doing this task more often. However, this is where cable management comes in. You can visit: https://electricalapprentice.co.uk/ to read more about cable management.

Assembling and inserting cable management arms into your rack can help prevent too many twisted wire situations. Start by mounting it on the ground and attaching it to the left end of the side rail.

Confirm That Everything Balances Properly

After following the steps from one to six, you deserve a pat on the back for a job done well. But there’s just one last step before celebrating.

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Ensure that your racks and servers are in good shape without loose ends. Go through the entire steps again to confirm – it does not hurt. Then you can have that celebration.

Additional Things to Consider While Raking Your Servers

Installing a hosting platform is a critical step that requires care and understanding of the process. However, there are other things you should note while at it. We will explain them below.

  • Use a bottom-top loading approach. Loading from the top can make the top of the rack heavy and cause it to fall. And that is the last thing you want. So, install from the bottom up to balance the base of the rack.
  • Make provisions for proper airflow. As with any other electrical component, servers require enough air exposure to prevent overheating. And while you might be busy trying to fix the assemblies, ensure that you keep this point at the back of your mind.
  • Consider temperature management. This is vital, especially when installing in a rack with closed lids. Ensure you take temperature control measures in your data center to maintain a cool temperature. This will help prevent overheating.
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You can rack a server using a few simple steps. However, ensure that you always check that they are secure to avoid damages. Also, ensure you take additional measures like bottom-top loading and temperature management during installation.


7 easy steps to rack your servers, 7 Steps to Mount Your Servers on a Rack, Balance the Rack with the Mounting Brackets, Conclusion, Confirm That Everything Balances Properly, Confirm That You Mounted the Servers Properly, Confirm That Your Servers Fit the Rack, Consider temperature management. , Insert Cable Management Arms, Make provisions for proper airflow. , Use a bottom-top loading approach

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